A Screening at Three Arrows Cooperative Society

On Friday, July 12, 1913 Massacre screened in the Norman Thomas Hall at the Three Arrows Cooperative Society in Putnam Valley, New York. After the credits rolled, a woman in the audience started singing “Joe Hill,” and everybody joined in. A classic organizing song with a rich history, “Joe Hill”…

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Badly Bent in Beach Haven

Back in January of 2016, a song Woody wrote in 1950 about his landlord “old man” Fred Trump made the news. This weekend, the Beach Haven apartments where Woody lived were the subject of another New York Times investigation. It’s the story of yet another rent-raising, tax-dodging Trump family scam,…

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A Perfect Holiday Pairing for the Bob Dylan Fan in Your Life

                      Here’s a holiday gift idea for the Bob Dylan fan in your life: a copy of Daniel Wolff’s Grown Up Anger, tracing the connections between Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, and the Italian Hall disaster, and a DVD of the…

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For Woody’s Birthday, A New Book About “1913 Massacre”

Just in time for Woody’s birthday — he’d be 105 years old today — a new book about 1913 Massacre by Daniel Wolff: Grown up Anger. Wolff’s book explores the deep personal, cultural and historical connections between Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan, following a trail that leads from Dylan’s “Song…

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People’s Stories and The Italian Hall Memorial

There’s a discussion underway in Calumet right now about the design of a new Italian Hall Memorial. We contributed the following thoughts to that discussion today. To the Italian Hall Memorial Group and The Village of Calumet, As producers of 1913 Massacre, the feature-length, 2012 documentary film about the Italian…

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From Bowling Green to 1913

In an interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC last night, inveterate liar Kellyanne Conway defended Trump’s travel ban by claiming, falsely, that Trump is only doing what Obama did; then, in a weird twist, she went on to say that Obama “had a six month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two…

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When Oscar Met Woody

Seeing Oscar Brand’s obituary in the New York Times earlier this week sent me back to the interview we did with Oscar for 1913 Massacre. Here’s a brief audio excerpt from that interview: the story of how Oscar and Woody Guthrie met in 1940, after Woody wrote a song about the gathering of the American…

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Woody and the Seventh-Inning Stretch

As you read this short article from the Sports section of last Friday’s New York Times, bear in mind that Woody wrote “This Land Is Your Land” after he grew tired of hearing Kate Smith singing “God Bless America” every time he turned on the radio: In the middle of the…

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